
Sound Masking in Education

Protecting your students’ privacy isn’t just an add-on – it’s the law. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) mandates that post-secondary institutions take all reasonable efforts to safeguard student information including how the information is collected, stored, used, and released. Many institutions have established effective security measures to protect the data stored on their servers, but overlook the need to safeguard client information during its collection and use. Sound Masking solutions help protect speech privacy by making it more difficult to overhear people speaking.

In addition to providing a more secure and private environment for your students, sound masking can also help reduce distractions. Adding sound masking in education settings, such as to your libraries, student centers, classrooms, and other study spaces will ensure minimal disruptions to students while they are studying or taking tests.

Case Study: Williams College

“Our library was so acoustically lively, the students were shushing the librarians! Now, our space is as appealing functionally as it is visually.”
– David Pilachowski, Director of Libraries Williams College


Industry Challenges

  • Each day, hundreds of students share sensitive information relating to finances, grades, housing, and personal health.
  • There is a high risk of personal information being overheard in adjoining corridors, waiting rooms, and communal spaces.
  • Many older facilities include high open ceilings and large reflective surfaces like glass windows and brick walls, creating more noise distractions through reverberation.

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  • Large expansive facilities with open ceilings and large reflective surfaces like glass and brick contain little to no sound absorbing materials. 
  • High concentration of people leading to a high level of distraction.
  • Libraries can be too quiet so any sound can be easily heard.


Cambridge Sound Management sound masking systems

  • Reduce conversational distractions by reducing the intelligibility of speech.
  • Increase the comfort of the students and staff by increasing individual privacy.
  • Help achieve LEED certification while maintaining a productive acoustic environment.