New Report Shows Direct Link Between Workplace Noise Distractions and Reduced Staff Productivity

By Nathan Van Ness 12.12.2019

Office noise distraction is a serious problem that adversely affects workers’ productivity, according to the “2018 Workplace Distraction Report,” recently published by Udemy for Business.

As stated in the report, when asked to rank the top benefits of reducing workplace distraction, 75 percent of respondents answered, “I get more done and I’m more productive.”

While such a finding isn’t exactly earth-shattering for those of us in the business of promoting solutions that greatly reduce office noise distractions, it reinforces what’s long been known regarding lost employee productivity.

When asked to identify the top workplace distractors, “…chatty coworkers (80%) and office noise (70%)” were cited as the leading culprits.

And while sound masking isn’t called out as a potential solution, many of the frustrations identified by those surveyed could easily—and affordably—be addressed by installing a professionally designed sound masking system, like one of Biamp’s Cambridge QtPro® direct-field systems.

I encourage you to read the report in its entirety; it’s full of interesting findings—many of which should be helpful to managers looking for solutions to their employees’ office distraction issues.

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