Sound Masking for Healthcare
How Does Sound Masking Help Healthcare Facilities Comply with HIPAA Mandates and Boost HCAHPS Scores? Download the Free Brochure to Discover the Benefits of Sound Masking.
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Why Do Healthcare Facilities Need Sound Masking?
Reduce Noise Distractions
Studies show that patients in rooms with sound masking find that it helps to shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and prevents unwanted noises from disrupting their sleep.
Boost HCAHPS Scores
By promoting patient rest and relaxation, sound masking has been shown to have a measurable positive impact on responses to the “quiet at night” HCAHPS survey question.
Protect Patient Privacy
Sound masking is specially engineered to mask human speech. With that, patient’s private conversations and information can be protected from being overheard by others.
Achieve HIPAA Compliance
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates how a healthcare provider implements safeguards to protect patient privacy. Sound masking can help reduce the risk of HIPAA violations.
A Cost-Effective Way to Improve Patient Experience
QtPro sound masking helps Peach Tree Health protect patient speech privacy, particularly in our exam rooms and reception areas. We like it so much we’ve decided to roll it out at other Peach Tree locations and will be installing it in our corporate office.
Chief Executive Officer. Peach Tree Health